で、最近に電子書籍で購入した『Heddon Catalogs 1902-1953』(2004 Krause Publications)という当時のカタログについて書かれた本を眺めていると、本の中に載っている写真複写の1902年発行の2ndカタログ中にどうやらそれらしい一文があるような?
中、高校生当時に、英語の授業では”2”の成績しか取れたことのない自分ですが、今はwebの機械翻訳でそれなりに意味の通じる日本語に変換出来る便利な時代でありがたいな~と、それらしい一文を含む当該カタログ中のP7から始まる『THE BASS AND THE BAIT』という章を機械翻訳してみました。
THE BASS AND THE BAIT. (1092-Heddon catalog 2nd P7-)
It appears self-evident to us that artistic angling for the Black Bass already bespeaks the almost exclusive use of surface, floating baits, in all inland waters, except on rare occasions which render necessary to success the use of an underwater lure.
Our reason for this conclusion is that with the surface bait the angler enjoys his sport through three of the five human senses―i.e. seeing, hearing and feeling―while with an underwater lure, but one of the senses―that of feeling―is ”brought into play.”
私たちがこの結論に至った理由は、表層餌では釣り人が人間の五感のうちの 3 つ、つまり、見ること、聞くこと、感じることを通じてスポーツを楽しんでいるからですが、水中ルアーを使用している間は、1つの感覚つまり感覚しかこの楽しみに作用しません。
As all pleasures are realized through one or more of our five senses, it is not strange that the from of sport which heretofore brought but one, and now brings three senses into actions, should popularize itself over all other methods of bait-casting, as it has done.
すべての喜びは私たちの五感の 1 つまたは複数を通じて実現されるため、これまでは 1 つだけでしたが、現在は 3 つの感覚を行動にもたらすスポーツの形式が、他のすべてのベイトキャスティング方法よりも普及するのは不思議ではありません。それはできました。
Further, the surface bait can be used where weeds and other underwater growth are thickest, where bass usually abound, while the underwater bait is rendered entirely unserviceable in these “fishy pastures.”
Therefore, we wish to announce that these pages and the articles they are designed to describe, are presented for those who are interested in this comparatively modern and most absorbing and pleasurable method of snaring the wily bass, being intended principally for that method of fishing commonly styled “bait-casting.”
Not only do we believe this style of fishing is destined to supersede all other methods of angling for the bass and other game fish, but we are equally confident that artificial baits will relegate to disuse frogs, minnows, and other live bait; in fact, it seems they have already done so.
Not alone because live bait is more expensive, difficult of procurement, or disagreeable to handle, do we hold this belief, but because the new “Dowagiac” baits, and in fact, other artificial lures, will attract and snare more and larger fish, under all conditions, than any form of live bait.
This statement is based upon the year of experience of many expert anglers who have been faithful students of the habits of that gamiest habitant of our inland lakes and streams.
In angling for bass, or any other game fish, nothing is gained in constructing the bait to resemble any living thing.
In the Black Bass, combativeness is a much stronger passion than alimentiveness, therefore, that lure which excites his belligerency, rather than appealing to his stomach, is best calculated to place him in the creel.
It is commotion in the water and not resemblance to frog or minnows, which attracts the bass and excites his belligerent instincts.
Imitation minnows, frogs, etc., may have a tendency to catch the angler who does not know the nature and habits of game fishes. But it is certain these imitative qualities perform no part in provoking the “strike.”
Among old-time favorites are the bucktail and pork-rind, and they have been favorites because of their light color.
The pork-rind is greasy, disagreeable to handle, rapidly deteriorates in the water, is not capable of best hook adjustment, and does not create the commotion requisite to attract the fish at long range.
It lacks buoyancy and therefore is not, technically, a surface bait; the fish will eject it instantly upon the first taste, if not well hooked.
Its only meritorious point is its white reflection.
The bucktail, which was used in Floridan waters over a century ago, is clean, nest and durable, but bad to cast, will not float, makes but slight commotion, and is sure to be finally relegated to the scrap-pile of piscatorial relics.
All features of the “Dowagiac” baits ware adopted with an understanding resulting from association, reading and most careful experimenting.
Experimentation was carried so far as to print blank records, upon which each rise or “strike” was recorded.
The day, time of day, sunlight, riffle, etc., were not only kept, but the distance at which the bait fell, the distance it had run, the direction from which the fish attacked it, (as nearly as could be observed), the location on the bait of the successful hooks, and other points were recorded from over 500 rises; and from the study of these data, the arrangement of the trebles and other points of construction of the “Dowagiacs” were decided upon.
曜日、時間帯、太陽光、波紋などだけでなく、餌が落ちた距離、走った距離、魚が攻撃してきた方向なども(観察できる限り)記録されました。 )、成功したフックの餌の位置、およびその他のポイントが 500 を超えるライズから記録されました。そしてこれらのデータの研究から、高音域の配置や「Dougiacs」のその他の構成点が決定されました。
It is our opinion expert bait-casters will finally discard all surface baits except those which at all times float upon the surface―whether running or still―besides having sufficient buoyancy to float the line and not dive under the surface and catch weeds, when cast a long distance.
The illustration on preceding page shows what frequently happens to the angler who uses a bait which is not at all times buoyant.
The Angler to the Left is Paying the Penalty for Using a Surface Bait that is not at all time Buoyant.
Not only are many baits lost by becoming anchored to underwater weeds, but that surface bait which will not float itself and line while the angler is engaged with a back-lash, or other delay, is not worthy the use of the skilled angler.
One of the first and most important requisites of a bait of this class is that it shall throw jets of water into the air which glisten in the light, thus being easily discernible by, and attractive to the fish.
このクラスの餌の最初で最も重要な要件の 1 つは、光の中で輝く水流を空中に噴射し、魚が容易に認識でき、魚を惹きつけることです。
In the effort to accomplish this result, numerous artificial baits are equipped with spinners or paddles.
These devices, while churning the water to a more or less extent, do not perform the very important function of throwing the water into the air, as does the “Dowagiac.”
In fact the surface baits described in this catalog, throw twice as much water as any other bait on the market.
実際、このカタログに記載されている表層餌は、市販されている他の餌の 2 倍の量の水を投げます。
The peculiarly angling collar, which is shown in the illustrations of our surface baits and which is fastened to the fore end of the bait, produces this result, and this too, without causing that excessive and disagreeable resistance when reeling, common to other device, and which is so tiring to the nerves of the angler and wearing to his tackle.
We consider the next important feature of a lure for Black Bass to be its color, and it will be noted the “Dowagiac” is finished with a glistening white enamel.
It is certain no color is so irresistibly attractive to the fish or be seen so far in the water.
The use of white rags for trolling, pork-rinds for casting and spotting, and white boards by the Chinese, may all be cited as man’s understanding of this fact, not forgetting that bass frequently “strike” at a white object white the same is lying still upon the water, and that anglers, by instinct, buy up the white bucktails, leaving the colored ones to be carried over the season by the dealer.
For night fishing for bass, now becoming so successful and popular, there are no lures so attractive as our “Dowagiac” baits because of their glistening white reflection.
After having attracted the bass, the next important mission of the successful bait is to book him with the highest degree of certainty.
This result is not accomplished by a disgusting and unsportsmanlike multiplicity of misplaced hooks, but rather by an adequate number placed in the right position, and this can be attained only upon a bait which remains always the same side up, and is so arranged in other particulars as to attract the “strike” to a given point upon the bait.
It is the angling collar, aided by the elevated fore-end which keeps this bait always the same side up while running, thus rendering possible the best book adjustment.
The makers of the “Dowagiac” baits guarantee they will successfully hook a larger proportion of the fish which “strike” at them, that any other baits.
The sockets in which the shanks of the trebles are held, keep the points well out from the body, thus presenting the hooks always outward and to the fish.
In fact the hooks are reaching for the fish.
This feature is considered a very important one by expert anglers who have commented upon it.
The illustrations on this page show the value of this adjustment as compared with the usual method of hanging hooks.
Cut No. 4 shows the usual method of adjusting the treble.
カット No. 4 は高音域を調整する一般的な方法を示しています。
No.4. The Ordinary Way.
As will be readily seen, when the bait is being drawn through the water, at the speed imparted by the quadruple, multiplying reel, the hooks, (always two of them) are thrown, by the pressure of the water, up snugly against the body, thus being pressed entirely out of service and leaving but a small percentage of the catching capacity as compared with trebles adjusted upon our plan, as shown in cut No. 5.
すぐにわかるように、餌が水の中を引っ張られているとき、4 重の倍増リールによって与えられる速度で、フック (常に 2 つ) が水の圧力によって投げられ、釣り針にぴったりと当てられます。したがって、本体は完全に機能停止に追い込まれ、カット No. 5 に示すように、計画に基づいて調整された高音と比較して、捕獲能力のほんの一部だけが残されます。
No.5. Our Way. Perfect hook Presentment.
All real sportsmen eschew the use of multitudinous hooks.
To them, a bait “all hung round” with hooks, looks unsportsmanlike and pot-fishy.
Dr. James A. Henshall, who is recognized as the world’s greatest authority on the Black Bass, radically condemns the use of more than one hook on any bait, insisting such use is unworthy of the finished angler, and frequently prevents the proper “playing” of the fish.
These points have been carefully considered in the construction of the “Dowagiac,” and while we think we have remained true to the demands of real sportsmanship, we are entirely confident the “Expert” will prove a practically sure killer if the fish is properly “played” by the man behind the reel.
The quadruple, multiplying reel moves the bait forward with a rapidity quite surprising, and suggests placing the hooks not too far forward on the body of the bait.
4 重のマルチリールは、非常に驚くべき速さで餌を前方に動かします。フックを餌の本体の前方に置きすぎないようにすることをお勧めします。
We find slower reeling insures more “strikes,” as well as greater certainty of hooking.
The “Dowagiac” Surface Lures throw so much more water than any other variety of surface baits, that with them slow reeling is especially practicable.
「ドワギアック」サーフェス ルアーは、他のどのサーフェス ルアーよりもはるかに多くの水を投げるので、スローリーリングが特に実用的です。
A feature in the “Dowagiacs” much appreciated by anglers, is the case and dispatch with which the trebles may be detached, as shown in the illustration on this page.
A few turns to the left unscrew the brass screw-eye, thus permitting the ring of the treble to pass freely in and out and enabling the angler to quickly replace a broken hook.
Also, should some other size of treble be preferred, this feature will be found most valuable in effecting the change.
The trebles with which the “Dowagiacs” are equipped were adopted as being nearest to the choice of not less than a dozen expert bait-casters, and we believe are a happy and correct medium between the extremes of taste.
As to their strength, we guarantee they will hold much more than any line that can be successfully used in bait-casting.
As will be reading observed, the arrangement of books on the “Dowagiacs” done not leave any liability of their interlocking, as is often the case with most artificial baits, while the liability of their being caught up by the line when casting is also materially lessened.
Striking the Bait in a Shark-like Position.
All baits equipped with spinner with spinners or paddles, revolve, either in the water or in the air, or both, thus twisting the line and becoming the sole cause of many back-lashes, besides adding to the discomfiture of the angler, (by reason of kinking) when be is running back over the line, as well as producing other very disagreeable results.
スピナーやパドルを備えたスピナーを備えたすべての餌は、水中、空中、またはその両方で回転するため、釣り人の困惑を増大させるだけでなく、ラインがねじれ、多くのバックラッシュの唯一の原因になります。ねじれの理由) がラインを越えて後戻りしたり、その他の非常に不快な結果を生み出したりするとき。
The angling collar of the “Dowagiac” surface baits performs the water-throwing function one-hundred per cent better than either spinners or paddles, and instead of causing the bait to revolve, maintains it always the same side up, when on the water.
「Dowagiac」サーフェスベイトの釣り首輪は、スピナーやパドルよりも 100 パーセント優れた水投げ機能を実行し、水上ではベイトを回転させる代わりに常に同じ面を上に保ちます。
Another element of efficiency resulting from this plainly appearing collar, is the aid it lends in protecting the books from weeds, rushes, etc., while never catching them itself, as do all spinners.
この明瞭に見える首輪から得られる効率のもう 1 つの要素は、すべてのスピナーと同様に、本を雑草やイグサなどから保護するのに役立ちますが、本自体を引っ掛けることはありません。
It is little short of marvelous, how, when rightly handled, this bait can be worked among rushes, lilies and weeds.
The “Dowagiac” Surface Baits are not commended as in any sense weedless lures, (for as expert anglers declare, “All weedless baits are fishless baits”), but with reasonably skillful handling, will surprise and gratify you when used in those places where hardly any other bait will work at all.
The buoyancy of this bait gives the angler a choice of speed in reeling; a matter which when rightly determined, varies greatly under differing conditions.
There is no excuse of good reason for making varying sizes of baits for the Black Bass, for as is known by all experienced anglers, a pound bass will attack anything from a small fly to a young musk-rat.
We have caught with our surface bait, one Black Bass that weighed precisely one ounce, and numerous ones which did not weigh more that two or three ounces, and from this miniature size up to those weighing over six pounds.
私たちは表層餌で、正確に 1 オンスの重さのブラックバスを 1 匹、そして 2 ~ 3 オンスの重さ未満のブラックバスを多数釣ってきました。この小型サイズから 6 ポンドを超えるものまでです。
The angler who would achieve success in the art of bait casting, should be armed, not only with a good casting-bait, but the right kind of a line, rod and reel.
The line should be of braided silk, and of fine size.
The reel should be a true, easy-running, quadruple multiplier.
リールは真の、走りやすい 4 倍マルチプライヤーでなければなりません。
The rod should be neither too short nor too long, (preferably 5 to 6 feet.) with a nice balance, as regards both weight and elasticity.
We will be pleased to till special orders with the finest hand-made Divine rods, at prices which are right, and ranging from $19.00 for finest spilt Bamboo, to $5.20 for select Lancewood, with Greenheart, Bethaberra and Dagania, at intermediate prices.
最高級のハンドメイド ディバイン ロッドの特別注文を適切な価格で喜んで承ります。最高級のスピル バンブーの $19.00 から、グリーンハート、ベサベラ、ダガニアを使用した厳選されたランスウッドの $5.20 までの中間価格までの範囲です。
…という感じで、カタログ中の”THE BASS AND THE BAIT.”という章を機械翻訳してみました。